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About Me & The Way I Like To Work

I use Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming and Counselling skills along with Emotional Freedom Techniques {Tapping} in a intereactional method along with visualization techniques to treat clients presenting many different kinds of issues. These may range from smoking cessation to more deeply rooted emotional neurological disorders and irrational fears and phobias.I work using a Hypno-Com.The client and myself wear stereo headsets.The special amplifier mixes mono and stereo sounds in a unique way and allows the client to hear my voice in a very effective and direct way into the subconscious mind.The effect is known as central imaging and is very successful, and enjoyable for clients experiencing hypnosis.Also any outside sounds are eliminated,so working in noisy environments is never a problem.

I was first introduced to Hypnotherapy in 1985 and found it to be a life changing experience. My life had become totally unmaginable due to outside influences and I was finding coping difficult in my personal life and in my professional life. I would have to put on a brave face every day, as I was running my own business in central London with a large staff of 60 and could not be seen by my team or the companies that I was working with to be unable to cope under pressure or under achieving. I was so impressed by a friend’s positive changes that she experienced when she had Hypnotherapy for other issues, I myself embarked on a life changing journey when seeing her therapist also, for only six sessions. That was when my passion and interest for hypnotic phenomenon entered my life.

I was in the hair and fashion industry for many years after training at the London School of Fashion.I went on to work with many top companies, such as Harrods, Jingles International,Vidal Sassoon, L'Oreal,Wella and created the Howcrofts brand and travelled worldwide holding educational seminars and masterclasses and training hairdressers in twenty or more countries. I have also worked in the media, on radio shows and had television apperances and worked with many top fashion and hair magazines worldwide and also with fashion photographers doing session work,and fashion shows from London and Europe to Alaska, via New York on the way.These fantastic experiences were so valuable in enriching my understanding of peoples varying personalities cultures and attitudes. The many years spent in the industry working with clients has been so enriching and given me a greater understanding of how the human mind works and reacts to any given situation as well as enriching my own life experience.I teach and encourage all my clients to practice self-hypnosis daily, as I do myself.It enforces the work we have covered and can benefit the client enormously in other areas of their life in the future also.I see self-hypnosis as a powerful life tool that is available to be utilized forever, once a client has learned the basic techniques.Also I encourage my clients to practice E.F.T.emotional freedom therapy,when I feel it will be benificial to them, depending on the issues they came to therapy wishing to resolve.I believe E.F.T.can benefit everyone.I have found it to be an amazingly powerful lifetool,which I use everyday of my life and really have and do reap the benefits of using and enjoying this theraputic practice so much.


When working with people with more deep rooted issues, hypnoanalysis may be an option that I would consider working with if the client was in agreement. This is done by the client being regressed back to a time in their life while in Hypnosis, when they have experienced a traumatic episode which has over time manifested itself into a phobia which is now having a damaging and profound effect on their lives. By using hypnoanalysis I hope to unlock the deep rooted cause of the phobia leaving the person to feel free from their harmful issues and live a full and happy life once more or for the first time ever.Once a client has learned the art of self-hypnosis they can use that powerful life tool for the rest of their lives and it will never cost them another penny, what an amazing deal. Some clients like to come for a fine tuning session during the year, rather like a check-up at the dentist. As one client once said;

"I always enjoy the powerful boost in confidence,

positivity and total relaxation after a hypnotherapy session with Rick.

I call it coming to experience and benefit and enjoy some Ricknotherapy"

That was a great compliment because I love what I am able to do, to guide and help people through life’s journey. Seeing clients improving and growing and overcoming harmful issues for me is a win win situation.

I have full professional liability insurance and am a professional member of The National Hypnotherapy Society, my membership number is RH00P0896.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge"

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) 

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